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Kidney Aid Detox Smoothie

Vesuvio Blog

Kidney Aid Detox Smoothie

Ingredients: 1 Cup of frozen cranberries1 Medium cucumber - Peeled and sliced2 Stalks of celeryA squeeze of lime1 Tablespoon of Kidney Aid Detox Blend  Directions: Add your frozen cranberries to the blender.Peel and cut your cucumber in slices and add to your blender mix.Cut celery stalks and add to blender.Add a squeeze of lime to blender. Blend until smooth and have a desired smoothie texture!Ready to drink!
Estro Clear Detox Smoothie

Vesuvio Blog

Estro Clear Detox Smoothie

Ingredients:1 tsp and slowly build up to 1 tbs of the Estro Clear Detox Blend(Alternatively can also be used with the Liver Rescue Detox Blend)½ cup coarsely chopped unpeeled carrots½ cup coarsely chopped peeled beets1 tbs freshly squeezed lemon juice1 cup of filtered water or coconut waterDirections: Add all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend all ingredients until smooth. If you would prefer a thinner consistency add up to 1 cup water or coconut water. Drink and enjoy.
Don’t worry, it’s normal...

Vesuvio Blog

Don’t worry, it’s normal...

Side effects may include:It’s what everyone searches for on the label – often found in size 0 font on a pamphlet that resembles origami included in the packaging of the medicine or supplement just purchased.It’s what everyone wonders to themselves when experiencing even the smallest sensation after trying something new. Either way - when you’re prescribed medicine or seek out a supplement, the way you feel in the hours or days after begs the question: is this normal?More often than not, the answer will be yes!What does a detox actually do?A detox is a process that rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances in a bid to improve health. It is broadly acknowledged that everyone is exposed to a multitude of toxins on a daily basis - and that exposure can contribute to a corresponding multitude of health challenges.Stimulating the body to purge those toxins can put pressure on organs that are already dealing with the effects of harbouring those toxins. When detoxing, toxins are being released for elimination. When this occurs it can result in an inflammatory response which is ultimately the root cause of symptoms like headaches, fatigue and irritability.What does a detox feel like?A detox is generally undertaken at intervals that interrupt the daily routine – the goal is to disrupt the toxins that are within the body, and this disruption creates that unfamiliar territory the body needs to react to.For comparisons sake, consider this – a primarily sedentary person decides they will go for a run. Their body isn’t used to the muscular or cardiovascular strain a run takes on their body because for the most part, they’re sitting at a desk, dinner table or couch. The next day, the impacts are noticeable – muscles ache, joints ache; they might feel fatigued or experience a headache from mild dehydration.Not many people will question these feelings – they went for a run after not exercising for a long period of time! Of course their body would react.This is the same response the body has to a detox – a sharp shift to what the body is used to results in the same responses.Great expectationsSo with all that in mind, what should someone expect when going through a detox?The changes the body experiences will often result in symptoms including: Headaches Fatigue and at the same time, restlessness Cravings – associated with Diarrhea and/or constipation Bloating Irritability Anxiety Skin irritation including breakouts and/or acne While the body is detoxing it is experiencing withdrawal – from toxins, foods (think – sugar, caffeine), alcohol to poisons absorbed every day due to environmental exposure. It is proven and thus expected that withdrawal is associated with those same symptoms attached to detox like headache, fatigue and anxiety.It is entirely understandable that people question whether experiencing these symptoms is normal – these feelings aren’t ‘normal’. Why? Because people don’t detox every day.Like no persons fingerprint is the same, no persons reaction to a detox will be the same. But understanding that feeling different should be expected is key in enabling you to take a step back, consider what your body is going through and embrace that shift toward a healthier version of yourself.AuthorLA Moutsias
The two most powerful warriors are patience and time!

Vesuvio Blog

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time!

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” – Leo Tolstoy, War and PeaceWe live in a time where instant gratification is not only sought-after but expected, a time where Tolstoy’s words could not be more relevant.Especially when it comes to our health.We all know that chronic illness and disease accumulate over time, and instead of turning to options that treat the symptoms, it’s time for us to embrace the age-old virtue of patience.Everyone is busy – everyone’s time is valuable. How do people do it? It feels like every one of us at one point has experienced that old “hamster wheel” effect of being constantly on the move but not achieving a great deal. Meanwhile, our mental and physical health is deteriorating.So when a headache strikes, we reach for a tablet. When exhaustion strikes, we reach for a tablet. When aches or pains strike, we reach for a tablet. No-one gifts themselves the time in their day anymore to stop and understand the cause of their symptoms. And when these symptoms manifest into illness or disease we reach for the closest, most accessible and instantly effective options.PSA – more often than not, these aren’t the solutions to our problems.Biology 101We’ve talked about how our bodies battle a multitude of toxins daily – pathogens, viruses and bacteria move rapidly, wreaking havoc. This is the underlying reason we want you to focus on the importance of thinking about healing at a cellular level.(It sounds scientific – but all this means is making sure your cells are healthy!)Our cells are what make up the tissues of our bodies – the smallest biological unit that can survive on its own. Sounds important when considering your general health, right?Most of the challenges we face when it comes to health have been developing over time. All of us are exposed daily to chemicals and toxins – but pause for a moment and consider other factors. Do you smoke? Do you drink? What does your diet consist of? (Think – refined oils, inflammatory foods, chemicals)Do you work in an office environment? An aircraft? Outdoors?Are you feeling stressed, anxious, exhausted?Do you have a family history, or have you directly experienced major illness or disease? Have you had to undergo surgery? Are you already compromised IE leaky gut?Do you exercise? Do you use saunas or other health-targeted activies?There are endless variables that need to be considered when you stop to consider your general health – we all know this already. What we might not think about is the weight our answers have on the best options we can take.None of which are going to be quick-fix. Fear of commitment Pausing to think about the cause of our health issues rather than reaching for the simplest symptom-eliminator is a massive commitment.We recognise that. It’s hard. Sometimes it’s time-consuming. Sometimes it’s accepting that our habits and routines need to change and that’s daunting. We get it.What we need to do is become accountable to ourselves and understand that the pathway to optimal health is a long one. We need to release ourselves from the mentality (that we are conditioned to accept) that when we feel bad, we can just pop a pill and get on with it.Don’t we owe it to ourselves?Have we met? Vesuvio – please to meet you. Every day we are asked by our community how long it takes to see results.We can’t answer that question. Consider what we’ve talked about today – there are so many factors in play that it’s impossible to provide any definitive advice to any individual.But at the end of the day – that’s what we are about. Guiding and helping you toward jumping out of bed in the morning, smiling during the day and embracing whatever life throws your way.While we can’t explicitly advise you on a wellness timeline, we can comfortably tell you: we know you will feel better within one week, even better still within two. Better than you have felt in a long time; and that should be reason enough to encourage you to pursue this journey and discover how this can completely change your life. Read that again – change your life.Our offering exists to give you the leg-up you might need to get things on track, commit to your health and ultimately become the best version of yourself. AuthorLA Moutsias
Cacao Detox Balls

Vesuvio Blog

Cacao Detox Balls

INGREDIENTS:  - ½ cup soft, pitted dates - ½ cup raw almonds - ¼ cup cacao powder - 1 tablespoon Heavy Metal Detox Blend or Liver Rescue Detox Blend - 1 pinch of salt - 1 tablespoon almond milk - 1 cup desiccated coconut flakes (Yields 10 Small Balls)   DIRECTIONS: 1. Add dates and almonds to a food processor and process until they are combined well and stuck together. May take up to 5 minutes. 2. Break up into smaller pieces with your hands and add in the cacao, almond milk and detox blend of your choice. 3. Process all ingredients until combined well and it forms one large ball. May take up to 3 min. 4. Roll into 10 small balls and roll in coconut flakes or grounded nuts (alternatively dust in detox powder). 5. Store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks and enjoy!
Detox, Fact or Fiction?

Vesuvio Blog

Detox, Fact or Fiction?

Health professionals today will tell you that products targeting detoxification aren’t required because our bodies naturally detox through the liver and other organs. Others will suggest that cleanses cause more harm than good.  What isn’t considered in this advice is that beyond the multitude of daily toxins the body battles are pathogens, viruses and bacteria that move rapidly and cause autoimmune diseases in people from childhood to adulthood. We are combatting heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, solvents, and petroleum-based products daily, and that we are isn’t hidden from us! We are told that we consume these toxins almost every day.  We subliminally face this modern-day chemical warfare – and whilst our bodies are extraordinary, why is it we are discouraged in giving them a helping hand by using detox products and protocols? Trust in the science/ "influencer", right?  There are a few reasons experts claim we don’t need to detox.  A lack of understanding around the diets people adopt in this digital age is top of the list. These diets are often very high in fat. No rules, balanced, moderation, paleo, keto, plant-based – all provision a shopping list of foods that are either heavily processed or high in natural fats. When we eat these high-protein foods like nuts, salmon, eggs, chicken and nut butters, the liver struggles to focus on whether it should be metabolising fats or toxins.  Much of what we consume prohibits natural detoxification to occur, primarily due the fact that they thicken our blood. A fat-filled blood stream minimises oxygen – this causes a sluggish liver that puts pressure on the heart and provides the ultimate environment for pathogens to thrive. Not only that, toxins then enter the excess fat cells that then accumulate around our organs.  To think that these are the impacts on our body as a result of these diets being promoted as ‘healthy’ by influencers, dietitians, nutritionists and health coaches!  We know that we are also encouraged to eat leafy greens, fruits and vegetables no matter the diet, however the focus on protein-heavy items that span all lifestyles cannot be ignored. Not when we are battling synthetic toxins at the same time.  This is why we want to encourage supplementing our bodies with natural detoxification products and protocols. The liver is over-burdened - and we want to help it tackle those toxins as well as deal with our diets and lifestyle choices.   Now it’s personal When age begins to inhibit exercise regimes amongst other things, the ability to control this diminishes. The resultant weight-gain, reduced energy-levels and susceptibility to illness is often blamed on a slow metabolism or hormone imbalance.  We’ve seen so many people go through the challenge of mis-diagnosis – which is why it’s so difficult to witness health professionals attempt to debunk detoxing when it is an accessible and natural option for those who struggle with chronic illness. Many of us know someone battling health issues – weight-gain, exhaustion, stress and as mentioned, chronic illness. We have seen what it is like for someone to compare themselves to others and be presented with solutions that just do not work for them.  It is physically and emotionally taxing, and facing advice like “just keep going”, “wake up early and get to the gym”, “mind over matter” only cultivates those negative emotions that come with seeing no results or improvement. These health professionals are dismissing the battle those who are struggling to feel better face, at the same time as dismissing a perfectly viable option that people can use to aid their healing.  What have we got to lose? With all that we understand (and all that we don’t!) – do we not owe it to our minds and bodies to embrace the possibilities that natural products and protocols can offer?  Is the concept of detoxing a myth? Perhaps it’s time for you to decide for yourself. 
Detoxifying Chia Pudding

Vesuvio Blog

Detoxifying Chia Pudding

Ingredients: (Serves 4) - 1 cup Greek yoghurt (285 g) - 1 cup almond milk (240 ml) - 2 tablespoons honey - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract - ¼ cup chia seeds (40 g) - 1 tablespoon Heavy Metal Detox Blend or Liver Rescue Detox Blend. - Optional toppings (fresh fruits and berries, chocolate shavings, nuts or seeds)   Directions: 1. In a medium bowl, mix the yoghurt, almond milk, vanilla, honey, chia seeds and detox blend powder of your choice together until well combined. 2. Pour the mixture into an airtight container and refrigerate covered for 4 hours. 3. Spoon the pudding into a serving dish with toppings of your choice. 4. Enjoy!
The Weight Of Frustration

Vesuvio Blog

The Weight Of Frustration

Hands up who has ever experienced weight-gain? Everyone? Cool. So it’s likely that in among the mixed-bag of emotions associated with gaining unwanted weight, you’ve felt frustrated. Everyone? We thought that might resonate! Let’s preface this discussion with - we celebrate everyone being comfortable in their own skin. Weight isn’t the focus here. What is - is unwanted weight-gain. The kind that creeps up on you; that when you start feeling sluggish and uncomfortable, trying to reverse it is like facing the base of an unconquerable peak. The go-to cause for a shift on the scales is too many calories in, not enough calories out. We need to exercise; we need to eat less. Have we tried keto? What about intermittent fasting? 5:2? What about F45? When we reject these suggestions that feel like (and more often than not, are) “fads” - a discussion around lifestyle and making sustainable changes inevitably ensues. Great - let’s make some lifestyle changes. But what changes are going to be effective and motivate us to continue to pursue optimal health? THE LIVER LINK What is often overlooked when talking about reasons behind weight gain is an unhealthy liver. Two other key organs - the thyroid and the adrenals - should not be overlooked, however the struggle the liver faces daily is most likely at the root of weight-gain. Liken an unhealthy liver to a human being up against unprecedented stress - it ends up operating across the board at low productivity and can only just complete the most basic of tasks, if that. The liver is an essential organ - it performs over 500 vital functions for our bodies. Two of those most important here are that it filters our blood and produces bile - which means it removes toxins that harm the body, and produces a substance critical to digestion and absorption of fats. Think of how many toxins and pollutants we are in contact with every day. Think about the fat content in the foods we consume. Are we starting to feel sorry for over-working this amazing organ yet? The key consideration here is that an over-burdened liver cannot function. If it cannot function, it cannot process fat as it should and it becomes congested - excess fat cells that then accumulate can lead to fatty-liver, heart disease and – drum roll - weight-gain. It also cannot retain and allow our bodies to absorb the hormones, vitamins and minerals our bodies need to operate at 100%. These are the reasons we reject a silo focus on exercise and dieting in response to unwanted weight-gain. We should be focusing on changes that target this vital organ. MAKE OUR LIVERS SING! Remember that unconquerable peak? Not looking so fierce now that we know the reason behind our challenge now is it? If we know that our liver is tired – we need to let it rest. The. Best. Way. Is. To. Detox. We need to focus on feeding the liver more of what it needs to operate effectively and less of those things that do damage. That means less fats, alcohol and toxins – which we know isn’t always easy to maintain. What is easy, is concentrating efforts on a targeted detox – armed with the knowledge we’ve discussed today of course! ‘Is life worth living? It all depends on the liver.’ - William James, American philosopher and psychologist Author LA Moutsias References Medical Medium - Unknown Cause of Weight Gain The Liver and its Functions Journal of Hepatology
Vegan Detoxifying Ice-cream

Vesuvio Blog

Vegan Detoxifying Ice-cream

Ingredients: (Serves 6) 3 Ripe bananas 1/3 cup almond milk (80ml) ½ tablespoon Heavy Metal Detox Blend or Liver Rescue Detox Blend 1 teaspoon agave Directions: Peel and slice bananas, then freeze overnight. Add the frozen bananas, almond milk, detox blend powder of you choice and agave to a food processor or blender. Blend until smooth and thick. Transfer to a loaf pan and freeze for at least two hours. Enjoy!
Spinach Soup Recipe

Vesuvio Blog

Spinach Soup Recipe

Ingredients: · 1 pint grape tomatoes (Substitute if required 1-2 mangoes) · 1 stalk celery · 1 garlic clove · 1 orange (Substitute if required with lemon or lime) · 4 cups baby spinach leaves · 2 basil leaves or a few sprigs of cilantro · ½ avocado (optional) Directions: Blend the tomatoes, celery and garlic with the juice of 1 orange until smooth. Add the spinach by the handful until fully incorporated. Add the basil and the avocado (if desired) and blend. Serve and enjoy immediately! *This is a raw soup intended to be served at room temperature. It should not be heated. Source: Medical Medium Liver Rescue by Anthony Williams. See link for more information and the original recipe. Click Link
9 Day Liver Rescue Detox Protocol

Vesuvio Blog

9 Day Liver Rescue Detox Protocol

9 Days to a cleaner you… Waking up one day and noticing my eyes were yellow scared the hell out of me.Immediately seeing the doctor and undertaking blood tests that saw me in the emergency department mere hours later was the most frightening thing I have ever gone through in my life. The results indicated that my liver was failing. This caused the yellowing of my eyes - otherwise known as jaundice; the perplexing thing was that I had no other symptoms. Had I not had this visual cue that something was wrong, I mightn’t have addressed things in time. Even the experts were baffled. I was a proverbial pin-cushion for months afterwards, constantly drawing blood to undergo a myriad of tests. After a month of consistent testing and not enough in the way of healing, I knew I had to start looking elsewhere for answers. That’s when I began reading Liver Rescue by Anthony Williams - also known as Medical Medium. What did I have to lose? I embarked on his 3:6:9 Liver Cleanse protocol - 9 days of self-managed healing changes that didn’t require any prescriptions or significant medical intervention. I went for a blood test after the 9 days and the results were unbelievable. Not only were my results the complete opposite of what they had been a month earlier - my liver was the healthiest it had been in years. This is the reason I have outlined this protocol for you as a starting point - to support you through your journey to a cleaner, healthier liver. Adjustments have been made below to include our Liver Rescue Detox Blend - a way to save you time, effort and money.  Days 1-3   DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 UPON WAKING 500ml Lemon or lime Water 500ml Lemon or lime Water 500ml Lemon or lime Water MORNING Breakfast & mid morning snack of your choice within guidelines (see below) + 250ml of your favourite juice, smoothie or water and stir in 1 teaspoon Liver Rescue Detox Blend powder. Breakfast & mid morning snack of your choice within guidelines (see below) + 250ml of your favourite juice, smoothie or water and stir in 1 teaspoon Liver Rescue Detox Blend powder.+ 2 Apples Breakfast & mid  morning snack of your choice within guidelines (see below) + 250ml of your favourite juice, smoothie or water and stir in 1 teaspoon Liver Rescue Detox Blend powder.+1 Apple LUNCHTIME Meal of your choice (within guidelines) Meal of your choice (within guidelines) Meal of your choice (within guidelines) MID-AFTERNOON Two apples with one – four dates. Two apples with one – four dates. Two apples with one – four dates. DINNER TIME Meal of your choice (within guidelines) Meal of your choice (within guidelines) Meal of your choice (within guidelines) EVENING 1 Apple (if desired) + 500ml Lemon or lime water, hibiscus or lemon balm tea. 1 Apple (if desired) + 500ml Lemon or lime water, hibiscus or lemon balm tea. 1 Apple (if desired) + 500ml Lemon or lime water, hibiscus or lemon balm tea. GUIDELINES *Avoid: Gluten, dairy, eggs, lamb, pork products, canola oil *Reduce radical fats by 50% (nuts, seeds, oils, coconut, animal proteins etc.) Try to wait and consume all fats at dinner time. *Try to increase your daily consumption of fruits, vegetables and leafy greens. Source: Based off the Medical Medium Liver Rescue Protocol by Anthony Williams. Days 4-6   DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 UPON WAKING 500ml Lemon or lime water 500ml Lemon or lime water 500ml Lemon or lime water MORNING 500ml Celery juice +  Liver Rescue Smoothie (see our Smoothie Recipe section) with 1 teaspoon of our Liver Rescue Detox Blend powder mixed through. 500ml Celery juice + Liver Rescue Smoothie (see our Smoothie Recipe section) with 1 teaspoon of our Liver Rescue Detox Blend powder mixed through. 500ml Celery juice + Liver Rescue Smoothie (see our Smoothie Recipe section) with 1 teaspoon of our Liver Rescue Detox Blend powder mixed through. LUNCHTIME Steamed asparagus with a spinach leaf, tomatoes and cucumber salad. Dressed only with lemon juice. Steamed asparagus with a spinach leaf, tomatoes and cucumber salad. Dressed only with lemon juice. Steamed asparagus and steamed brussel sprouts with a spinach leaf, tomatoes and cucumber salad. Dressed only with lemon juice. MID-AFTERNOON Two apples with one – four dates + celery sticks. Two apples with one – four dates + celery sticks. Two apples with one – four dates + celery sticks. DINNER TIME Steamed asparagus with a spinach leaf, tomatoes and cucumber salad. Dressed only with lemon juice. Steamed asparagus with a spinach leaf, tomatoes and cucumber salad. Dressed only with lemon juice. Steamed asparagus and steamed brussels sprouts with a spinach leaf, tomatoes and cucumber salad. Dressed only with lemon juice. EVENING 1 Apple (if desired) + 500ml Lemon or lime water, hibiscus or lemon balm tea. 1 Apple (if desired) + 500ml Lemon or lime water, hibiscus or lemon balm tea. 1 Apple (if desired) + 500ml Lemon or lime water, hibiscus or lemon balm tea. GUIDELINES *Avoid: Gluten, dairy, eggs, lamb, pork products, canola oil *Avoid radical fats (nuts, seeds, oils, coconut, animal proteins etc.) entirely. *Stick to the foods listed above and eat as much as you need to feel full. Source: Based off the Medical Medium Liver Rescue Protocol by Anthony Williams. Days 7-9   DAY 7 DAY 8 DAY 9 UPON WAKING 500ml Lemon or lime water 500ml Lemon or lime water 500ml Lemon or lime water MORNING 500ml Celery juice + 30 Liver Rescue Smoothie (see our Smoothie Recipe section) with 1 teaspoon of our Liver Rescue Detox Blend powder mixed through. 500ml Celery juice + Liver Rescue Smoothie (see our Smoothie Recipe section) with 1 teaspoon of our Liver Rescue Detox Blend powder mixed through. 500ml Celery juice 500ml Cucumber juice  *Water throughout the day. At least 250ml every 3 hours.  *Blended melon, papaya or freshly squeezed orange juice (as much as you want throughout the day). LUNCHTIME Spinach soup over cucumber noodles (check our recipes section). Spinach soup over cucumber noodles (check our recipes section). 500ml Cucumber-apple juice MID-AFTERNOON 500ml Celery juice + two apples + celery sticks + cucumber slices. 500ml Celery juice + two apples + celery sticks + cucumber slices. 500ml Cucumber-apple juice DINNER TIME Steamed squash, sweet potatoes or potatoes with steamed asparagus and/or brussels sprouts. Steamed asparagus and or brussels sprouts + spinach leaf, tomatoes and cucumber salad. Dressed only with lemon juice. 500ml Cucumber juice 500ml Celery Juice EVENING 1 Apple (if desired) + 500ml Lemon or lime water, hibiscus or lemon balm tea. 1 Apple (if desired) + 500ml Lemon or lime water, hibiscus or lemon balm tea. 500ml Lemon or lime water, hibiscus or lemon balm tea. GUIDELINES *Avoid: Gluten, dairy, eggs, lamb, pork products, canola oil entirely. *Avoid radical fats (nuts, seeds, oils, coconut, animal proteins etc.) entirely. *Stick to the foods listed above and eat as much as you need to feel full. Source: Based off the Medical Medium Liver Rescue Protocol by Anthony Williams.  
Liver Rescue Detox Smoothie

Vesuvio Blog

Liver Rescue Detox Smoothie

Ingredients: 1 tsp and slowly build up to 1 tbs of the Liver Rescue Detox Blend. (Alternatively can also be used with Heavy Metal Detox Blend) 2 bananas 2 cups frozen wild blueberries (sold in the frozen food section of most health food stores). ½ cup frozen dragon fruit (sold in major grocery store retailers in the frozen food section). ½ cup water or coconut water to blend. Directions: Add all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend all ingredients until smooth. If you would prefer a thinner consistency keep adding more water or coconut water until desired consistency is achieved. Drink and enjoy. Source: Medical Medium Liver Rescue by Anthony Williams. See link for more information and the original recipe. Click Link
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

Vesuvio Blog

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

Ingredients: 1 tsp and slowly build up to 1 tbs of the Heavy Metal Detox Blend. 2 bananas 2 cups wild blueberries (sold in the frozen food section of most health food stores). 1 cup orange juice Optional: water or coconut water to blend. Directions: Add all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend all ingredients until smooth. If you would prefer a thinner consistency add up to 1 cup water or coconut water. Drink and enjoy. Source: Medical Medium by Anthony Williams. See link for more information and the original recipe. Click Link